You will find a copy of our Financial Policy on the Forms Page for you to download. Please read this carefully.
We must highlight that we DO NOT split bills. This applies to divorced parents who bring their child(ren) to therapy. This also applies to anyone who may want to split the cost of therapy with someone else. Payments are entered into our system under the patient's name, so we cannot keep track of who has paid, how much, and when. We will bill one parent, and that parent must collect from the other parent. We are not subject to your court orders. Thank you for understanding.
RESPONSIBLE PARTY DEFINITION: For our billing purposes, the responsible party is the individual who brings in the child for counseling or testing. The responsible party is not necessarily the legal guardian nor the one the court has designated to pay for medical expenses. We will bill the one that brings in the child. We will hold the one who brings in the child responsible for the bill because it is the decision of that person to bring in the child with or without the consent of the other parent. We are not party to court decisions between individuals. Please talk to Jessica if you have any questions.
ADULT DEPENDENTS: If the dependent is an adult, they will be the Responsible Party and will be responsible for any balance on their account. It will be up to them to inform their caregivers of their balance. Since we do not split bills, we suggest that the caregivers provide the dependent with the funds to pay their balance. If there is a Power of Attorney, we can bill them.
Thank you for your cooperation.
In your intake documents sent to you, by signing this form, you are consenting to counseling and/or psychological testing, whichever you came in for, and for us to bill your insurance on your behalf. Without your consent, we cannot proceed, and your appointment(s) will be canceled or rescheduled.
You can download and read this policy in our Forms page at the bottom. This is in regard to how we manage social media, web searches, text messaging, email, and fax. Please read carefully for important information.
Court ordered psychological evaluations for various purposes (such as custody, competency, FOID card, etc.) are charged at Full Fee. Insurance will not cover testing related to these issues. Depending on the complexity of the testing, the cost can range from $4,000 to $30,000. If there are numerous members to be evaluated and more visits are required to complete the evaluations, the cost can increase. Other services, such as a home assessment, will also add to the cost. Please be prepared for these charges as they are billed up front. A deposit will also be required for testing. If the evaluator must attend court or give a deposition, the rate for expert testimony is twice our regular rate per hour from port to port. This charge is separate from the testing cost. A $2500.00 retainer fee is charged for attending court and will apply toward the hours the psychologist spends at any court proceedings.
If the court order for psychological evaluation is for mental health assessment, we will submit claims to insurance which we are in network. We will bill the individual the court has ordered to pay for testing. However, if that individual does not pay, the adult who signs the Financial Policy is ultimately responsible for the balance. At least half of the cost will be collected up front.
At times there may be a need for clients to be seen Pro Bono (without cost). These are decided on an individual basis. These are usually current clients who have experienced some extenuating circumstances such as loss of job. We provide up to 8 pro bono sessions for these clients. Then they must apply for our sliding fee if they still do not have insurance after the 8 sessions. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office and speak to any staff.